
IVIS2025 Program

The IVIS2025 Scientific Program Committee will craft a comprehensive and engaging program for the 14th International Veterinary Immunology Symposium.

The program will feature an exciting mix of presentations, workshops, special sessions and networking opportunities. Delegates will benefit from the expertise of a dynamic lineup of both international and local speakers. Alongside the sessions, the symposium will also offer numerous social events designed to provide networking opportunities, allowing participants to reconnect.

Certificates of attendance will be available to delegates.

Proposed Program Outline

Pre-Symposium Workshop – Monday 11 August 2025
12h00 – Workshop: VIC Toolkit
14h00 – Workshop: MHC
15h00 – Check-in opens at Hotel
16h00 – Symposium Registration Opens
18h00 – Welcome Reception (venue tbc)

Day 1 – Tuesday 12 August 2025
08h30 – Welcome and Opening
09h00 – Plenary 1
09h45 – Parallel Sessions 
10h30 – Mid-morning Refreshments
11h00 – Parallel Sessions 
12h00 – Lunch
13h00 – Gold Sponsor Presentation
13h10 – Plenary 2
13h55 – Parallel Sessions 
14h35 – Mid-afternoon Refreshments
15h00 – Parallel Sessions 
16h00 – Poster Session 1
17h00 – Close of Day 1
18h00 – Free evening to explore Vienna – click here for suggestions

Day 2 – Wednesday 13 August 2025
09h00 – Plenary 3
09h45 – Parallel Sessions 
10h30 – Mid-morning Refreshments
11h00 – Parallel Sessions 
12h00 – Lunch
13h00 – Plenary 4
13h45 – Parallel Sessions 
14h45 – Mid-afternoon Refreshments
15h15 – Distinguished Veterinary Immunologist – Award & Presentation 
16h15 – Poster Session 2
17h00 – Close of Day 2
19h00 – Symposium Dinner (venue tbc)

Day 3 – Thursday 14 August 2025
09h00 – Plenary 5
09h45 – Parallel Sessions 
10h30 – Mid-morning Refreshments
11h00 – Parallel Sessions 
12h00 – Lunch
13h00 – Parallel Sessions
14h30 – Mid-afternoon Refreshments
15h00 – Poster Session 3
15h45 – Plenary 6
16h30 – Closing Ceremony & announcement of IVIS2028 destination
17h00 – Close of Symposium